4 Facts & Myths About Green Tea – Dilmah-Singapore
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4 Facts & Myths About Green Tea

4 Facts & Myths About Green Tea

It is a truth universally known that green tea is the pinnacle of health… or is it? Nowadays, green tea is a household name, and it is often equated with being the epitome of health. There is undoubtedly a wealth of health benefits that come from drinking green tea, however, there are also several myths about this delicate brew. Read this blog to learn some facts about green tea as we debunk some myths along the way!


What is Green Tea?

Like black, oolong, and white tea, green tea is made with leaves from the Camellia Sinensis plant. Even though the teas come from the same plant, each brew is different as a result of how the leaves are processed. For instance, for green tea, the leaves are left unoxidised, whereas for black tea the leaves are completely oxidised.



  1. Drinking Green Tea Can Help Prevent Degenerative Diseases

The greatest benefit that comes from drinking green tea, or tea in general, is linked to the herb’s potency of antioxidants and nutrients. Antioxidants have the ability to effectively limit the damage caused to our bodies by free radicals (FR) and reactive oxygen species (ROS). FRs and ROS are highly unstable molecules that can damage cells in our body and lead to degenerative ailments like heart diseases, cancer, and stroke.


  1. Not All Green Teas are Alike

All green tea is made using leaves from the Camellia Sinensis plant, with that said, there are several types of green tea. There are different ways of growing and processing the leaves which lead to different variants of green tea with different tasting notes, or they are infused with other aromatics.


Continually, the climate, the soil, the water level and other conditions affect the quality of the tea plant and its resulting tea shoots. Ceylon green tea is one of the best types of green tea, and it is grown almost exclusively in the Central Province of Sri Lanka. Located 6,200 feet above sea level, tea grown at this elevation produces a mild and delicate brew while those grown at a lower elevation produces a strong brew. Learn more about Ceylon Tea here.


  1. Green Tea is Good for Skin Health

The combination of polyphenols and catechins in green tea have various therapeutic properties that can benefit the skin. From combating signs of ageing to treating acne and moisturising the skin, green tea is extremely beneficial for your skin. Green tea is rich in vitamins, including Vitamin E which nourishes and hydrates the skin. Also, the tea contains Vitamin B-2 which can maintain collagen levels and improve the firmness of your skin.


  1. Green Tea is Good for Weight Loss & Weight Management

Even though drinking green tea cannot actively help you to lose weight it can contribute to weight reduction and maintenance through other mechanisms. These include reduced fat absorption from the diet, alterations in fat metabolism resulting in lower storage of fat and increase energy expenditure.


Continually, green tea is naturally a zero-calorie drink, making it a great beverage to have if you want to lose or manage your weight, however, avoiding drinking it with any additives like milk or sugar. Also, to experience all the weight loss benefits, green tea must be paired with a healthy diet and regular exercise.


Read our blog to find out more health benefits of green tea and why you should add a cuppa to your lifestyle.



  1. Green Tea is Healthier Than Black Tea

    Many people mistakenly believe that green tea is the healthiest tea and exceeds all the other teas. While there is no denying that green tea is good for you, it is not necessarily healthier than black tea. While the two have shared health benefits, the different processing methods give each tea a unique chemical composition. Since the leaves for green tea are left unoxidised, they are rich in antioxidants known as catechins—the unoxidised polyphenols in tea. Furthermore, green tea has a high concentration of EGCG, another antioxidant, that has several possible benefits from protecting the liver to helping reduce fatigue. The oxidised leaves of black tea are potent in antioxidants known as theaflavins and thearubigins which are equally effective, especially for heart health. Nonetheless, while the two may have certain differences, they are some of the healthiest beverages in the world.


  1. Blended Green Tea is Better Than Single Origin Green Tea

This statement could not be further from the truth! Single-origin green tea, or any tea for that matter, is far superior in colour, taste, and aroma. When crafting tea, freshness is as important a factor as quality. Fresh tea is far richer than tea that has been shipped abroad and blended with other teas. With fresh tea, you can taste the subtle characteristics that form the terroir of fine tea. Also, fresh unblended tea has a higher potency of antioxidants because if tea is shipped in bulk, it may not be properly packed and protected. As a result, the leaves absorb the surrounding moisture losing its goodness and flavour.

  1. Vegetables Contain More Antioxidants Than Green Tea

Flavonoids are a class of polyphenols, antioxidants found in plants, that play a significant role in plants’ defence systems. All plants contain varying amounts of flavonoids and food derived from these plant sources have a high potency of these antioxidants. Fresh tender shoots of tea that are used to make black, green, and oolong teas contain significantly high amounts of flavonoids compared to other plants. Thus, any tea would provide higher levels of flavonoids than any other plant source. You can see the comparison of the antioxidant capacity of tea against common vegetables here.


  1. You Can't Make Spring Rolls with Green Tea OR You Can’t Infuse Green Tea with Food

Green tea is extremely versatile, and you can make just about anything with the delicate brew-- including spring rolls! Get the recipes for these flavourful Vietnamese Spring Rolls, with Green Tea with Jasmine Sweet Chilli Nam Jim here.


Even though it is becoming increasingly challenging to distinguish real health benefits from sweeping remarks, one thing is certain: drinking green tea has several health benefits. Get your cup of goodness today!

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